Fitness – Life Goals Mag Becoming your best self Tue, 27 Dec 2022 18:56:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness – Life Goals Mag 32 32 5 Best Fitness Apps For (30 Minute Or Less) Daily Workouts Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:00:14 +0000 After the year that was 2020, it’s been hard for me to commit to going to a workout class. I love a good, quick workout to feel better – both in mind and body. And I like the option of doing a workout from the comfort of my home.

There’s not always the time (or frankly, desire) for an hour-long workout, and that doesn’t mean we can’t squeeze in a little sweat session with fitness apps that are built for our full schedules.

We all know the benefit of movement – the endorphin release, the strength building, and the mental health benefits add so much value to our lives. And a shorter workout can still give us those benefits, so don’t skip on a workout just because you can’t or don’t want to devote too much time to it.

Do what you can!

woman in workout clothes doing at home workout in apartment

Tips for making these wellness apps work for you in 2022

Decide that 20 minutes or less workout is worth doing.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get back on track with your fitness goals in a realistic way.

It doesn’t have to be an hour-long workout to have an effect on your mental, emotional, and physical health. And 20 minutes is a whole lot easier to weave into our routine than an hour workout is. Being able to do it at home is a major plus.

Start with a 20-minute commitment, and go up from there if you desire.

Find a time and place

I call this a habit habitat. Find the place where you’ll do your workout – and the time that fits best into your schedule.

Ask yourself, when is a good time with the routines I already have in place? Stack the habit on top of an existing habit in your routine. For example, after you write in your journal and before you take a shower to get ready for the day in the morning. Again, this is 20 minutes or less – figure out where you can fit that in to make it a daily commitment to your health.

Invest in yourself

While I find that free YouTube videos are great and there’s a ton of great fitness classes available, when we sign up for classes or sign up for an app, we have more buy-in.

A lot of amazing apps out there are low-cost, including the ones recommended below. Find an app that works for your style and the kinds of workouts you enjoy and feel excited to do again.

Don’t wait for the motivation

Motivation will often find you after you take the micro action. What amount of time can you commit to every day? 10 minutes? 15? 20? 30? Decide this for yourself, and when you can’t make the 20 minutes, opt for 10. These apps below all have options that work for bite-sized action.

As you take more action and commit to yourself every day, you’ll feel more motivation. Your self-trust muscle (and physical muscles!) will start building.

The best fitness apps for 30 minutes and under workouts

1. Melissa Wood Health

My tried-and-true. I love Melissa Wood’s app for my daily fitness routine. It’s the perfect starter fitness app if you love Pilates-style workouts.

Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, you’ll find tons of options. She has workouts specifically for prenatal, and she also has a power series for more advanced workouts. It’s my favorite app for a quick morning workout, because she has tons of workouts to choose from for a quick power-packed session.

Plus, she has some meditations, recipe videos, and a schedule you can follow – so you don’t have to think about what workout you’re doing if you want to follow along.

You can start with a 7-day free trial.

Melissa Wood Health Workout Video

2. Sweat app

The Sweat app by Kayla Itsines is an oldie, but goodie. She has high and low-intensity workout options. Including some on-demand workouts like 10-minute boxing, banded full-body, and the 1000-rep challenge.

The app also includes meal plans, options to track your steps, and your water intake – all the essential wellness things! And you can also opt to join in a program for more accountability.

3. Cacti Wellness Collective

Kira is one of my favorite wellness influencers and friend, and you NEED to know about her app. Her goal with the app is for you to improve your focus, body, and mind with 20 minutes or less per day.

The Cacti app has everything: breathwork, meditations, on-demand workouts, stretch flows, and productivity workshops. The videos are all bite-sized and action-packed, so that you can fit them into your routine while running your business.

If you want to improve your life in small steps, we definitely recommend her membership – and you can use our code LIFEGOALS on the Cacti app for a free 30-day trial. That’s a full month to test it out for free!

(Not sponsored, just wanted to get you all a code so you can try it out!)

Cacti App Workout Videos

4. FORM by Sami Clarke

Form’s tagline is “forming the best version of you.” The membership includes everything from fitness, wellness, and self-love. Sami is such an inspiring wellness influencer, and her branding is on point. I love everything she creates, and I’m sure her app is on the same level.

She recently added nutrition to the app as well, so you can get recipe ideas for your meal planning too!

5. The Class

The Class is a holistic workout that combines movement and meditation. I love the way The Class is structured. You almost always get in some burpees and free flow dance in every live session. I love that there are live classes daily! It helps with the accountability.

It’s a good mix of flow and cardio, and the classes are always similar while still mixing it up enough.

It’s described as a cathartic workout for the body and mind. While most of the live classes are between 45-60 minutes, they have a collection of 10-30 minute on-demand classes with shorter, targeted sequences. 

The Class Live Workout Classes

How are you spicing up your workout routine in 2022? 

best fitness apps for women list

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20 Fun Ideas For Switching Up Your Workout Routine For 2023 Tue, 04 Jan 2022 15:00:53 +0000 It’s almost 2023, which means you might be thinking about switching up your workout routine.

Maybe you’re just starting out with exercise or you’re just contemplating switching up your usual routine. Even after you’ve gotten into the healthy habit of a consistent fitness routine, it’s always good to keep changing it up.

Our bodies can get used to workouts, and we might stop seeing results after a while. And let’s be real, we simply get bored of doing the same thing over and over.

So here are 20 ways you can change up your routine in 2023.

1. Try an app or online membership

There are so many apps that can motivate and encourage you to keep up with working out.

Here’s a list of workout apps we recommend, including Melissa Wood Health and Cacti Wellness Collective.

A lot of apps have free trials so that you can try it out first. I find that trying before buying is essential when it comes to workouts. I recommend trying a few options and see what works for you. It’s all an experiment in learning about yourself.

2. Start tracking your process

Depending on the kind of person you are, tracking your progress might help motivate you. Maybe that’s through an app, in your planner or through a fitness workbook, whatever it is, keeping track of where you began can help you see your progress. It’s common to feel like you’re not making progress fast enough. So even if you take photos along the way, that can help you feel encouraged. You don’t have to post them online unless you want to. Just save them for your own reminder of your progress – if that feels healthy to you. If you find yourself getting too obsessed with your progress, you might want to skip this one.

3. Use props

Props are an easy way to change things up with your fitness routine. Before you go buy all. the. supplies, add one prop at a time. We tend to go overboard and buy too many things. If you have a gym membership, try using props there before you buy your own. See what you’re liking. Some fun props include booty and resistance bands, stability balls, and bolsters.

Check out this list of workout props you can find around your house.

4. Workout with YouTube videos

There are so many free workouts in the internet, for any kind of workout that you’re curious about. Want to get into yoga? Yoga with Adriene is a common one for beginners. How about pilates? Lottie Murphy or Cassey Ho from Blogilates is your girl. In fact, Cassey just started a 2020 challenge that you can jump in on right now.

5. Go to new classes

It can be hard to try out a new type of workout long enough to find out if you like it, but that’s the pros of ClassPass and Groupon. See if there are any classes that combine your favorite things. My old coworker joined a “nerd gym” that she loved because it appealed to her nerdy side. She enjoyed going there and being with like-minded people – and they made the workouts fun because they were based on a theme.

What do you enjoy doing? Is there a gym nearby that does something cool that you might enjoy trying? Or maybe you’ve heard about Barre but haven’t done it yet. Try out one or two classes that you’ve never done before, and see how it goes. Most places have a pass for a week to a month-long at a very discounted price that allows you to try it out.

6. Choose a new route

If you’re a runner or walker, change up your route. Even the most beautiful walk can get stale if you never switch things up. See if there’s a new neighborhood you’ve never explored through Map My Walk, or just try walking in a new direction and see what you find.

7. Workout with someone

Instead of grabbing dinner or drinks, make a date with a friend to workout. You can either take a workout class or hit the gym and create a workout plan for each other. It makes time together more productive and can help you stay accountable.

8. Follow a fitness guide

Don’t know where to begin with working out? What equipment to use, what moves to try out? There’s plenty of guides online that can help you get started with a routine. All you do is follow along with their guide. YouTuber Sarah’s Day has a great 8 week workout guide, and the Bikini Body Guide (BBG) from Kayla Itsines is a classic guide that many people have done with great results. I have both guides and recommend them.

9. Create your own fitness plan

Fitness guides aren’t in your budget? No problem. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are easy to DIY your own fitness plan for. Look up different exercise ideas online – there are thousands to choose from! Then craft your own sequence that you repeat 3-4 times, with five-minute rest periods in between.

10. Invest in a trainer

If you have the funds to invest in your health, a trainer might be a worthwhile investment. Even if it’s for a few sessions, a trainer at your gym can show you some new workouts to match your fitness goals. You can also learn how to properly workout, without injuring yourself.

11. Take a few rest days to evaluate

If you’re working out every day and it’s starting to feel boring, take a rest day to figure out what you’re lacking in the gym. Journal it out. Perhaps you just need a break, and to create some new fitness goals for yourself. Sometimes space is important because when we just keep doing doing doing, we aren’t giving ourselves the time to figure out what we really want.

12. Try new machines out at the gym

Is there a machine that you’ve been curious about that you’ve been intimidated to learn? Do a little research online, and try it out. I’ve always been too embarrassed to use the equipment, so I like to prepare in advance if I’m going to tackle something new. But when you do, you’ll feel so good about the fact that you tried something new.

13. Sign up for a 5k or train for a marathon

5K runs are a great way to change up your workout if you aren’t typically running. If you want to take it a step further, look into training plans for half marathons or a marathon. You can work your way up to running one in a few months’ time.

14. Find good hikes in your area

Have you explored all your local hikes? Look into all the best hikes near you and make it happen. Make a checklist of all the hikes you’d like to hit this year, and start checking them off – one by one. If you don’t already have a hiking buddy, connect with someone you know or find someone on a Facebook group or through the MeetUp app. Plan travel around good hiking.

15. Focus on a particular area of your body

Want to tone your arms? Get abs? Work on that booty? Look into workouts that’ll help you get there. Stay really focused on one thing, and that might help you limit your feelings of overwhelm on how much you’d like to improve about your body. You don’t want to work this part of your body every day, obviously, but it’s kind of fun to have a set goal for your fitness.

16. Do wall sits and squats while you’re at home

Waiting for coffee to brew? Do a wall sit. Brushing your teeth? Do some squats. Start making a game out of it. Can I get 10 pushups in before the microwave beeps? Working out doesn’t have to always involve a full 30+ minutes. You can do it throughout the day. Have a FitBit? Use it to remind you to stay active throughout the day. Make it a goal to get the 250 steps every hour for five days in a row.

17. Participate in the Mindfulness Triathalon 

Running, yoga and meditation. It’s the mindfulness trifecta. I did the Wanderlust 108 Mindfulness Triathalon last year and loved it. It’s such a fun event for reconnecting with wellness in a really thoughtful way. See if you have any events near you.

18. Try some superfood mixes

If you’re feeling fatigued and not as energetic as usual, superfoods might help. We love Your Super, especially the Super Green powder that includes all the power greens like spirulina, wheatgrass, and chlorella. Their Muscle Power option is great for post-workout too, with pea protein, maca, and lucuma.

I love Your Super powders in particular because a lot of protein powders have a lot of garbage in them. But YourSuper is 100% organic, plant-based, no sweeteners, no additives, and they source directly. They are a super clean brand, which is a must when you’re putting so much energy into a healthier version of yourself. Get 15% off with the code LIFEGOALSMAG.

19. Follow people who inspire you on Instagram

Instagram can either leave you feeling comparisonitis or feeling inspired. Follow a few fitness influencers who leave you feeling motivated every day. Some of my favorites are @cactiwellness, @melissawoodhealth and @hbfit.

20. Try out a sport or physical activity that feels fun to you

There are so many physical activities beyond the gym that you can try out. Whether it’s rowing or skiing or playing in an adult league of soccer, volleyball or softball. Maybe there’s a basketball court near you that you can play at.

You could do pole dancing, rock climbing, swing yoga, or if you live near the water, stand-up paddleboarding. There are so many options out there, so explore your local options. You could even form your own group if there isn’t anything available for an activity you’re interested in.

How will you change up your fitness in 202? Let us know in the comments.

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The Morning Routine Rituals Of An Intuitive Business Coach Sun, 20 Dec 2020 14:45:45 +0000 Hi there! I’m Darya (like Arya from GoT, but with a D!), and I’m an intuitive business coach and wild human exploring the depths of life on a daily basis. I partner with soulful entrepreneurs to co-create an epic and profitable business from the heart… while guiding them through deep internal shifts, of course.
When I’m not strategizing on my business or obsessing over my students and mentees, I loooove diving into ancient spiritual philosophies, biohacking and wellbeing optimization, shadow integration, and all things NeuroAlchemy – my potent blend of modalities in all things neuroscience, magick, and the unconscious mind. Psst – I was actually planning to be a neuroscientist until one day I threw out all expectations and started a travel blog instead (and no, it doesn’t still exist on the interwebs!)
I’m a huge believer that life is to be lived at the highest caliber of freedom, expression, and joy, so I tend to gravitate to all things intense and weird. If that’s you, grab a bulletproof matcha or glass of red, and come dive into my very Virgo-y world of morning rituals.

What time do you wake up in the morning and how do you wake up? (To an alarm, music, the sun, etc.)

When I’m feeling activated and on fire? 7 am. When I’m honoring my winter phases and listening to my body’s wisdom? Couldn’t tell ya. It might be 9 am or I might get a huge intuitive insight at 4 am and spend the next three hours journaling on whatever is coming though *shrugs while giving the finger to societal expectations and rules.*
As far as how… I wish I could tell you I was all happy-go-lucky jumping out of bed without an alarm, but, nope. This girl is a 7-alarms-every-10-mins kind of gal.

What’s your go-to morning beverage?

Ooo wait, was I not supposed to give this away in the intro? Whoops. Bulletproof matcha, all the way. If you’ve never tried it, your life is about to change. Ghee, MCT oil, monk fruit extract (8 drops), cinnamon, vanilla extract (the good good kind), ceremonial matcha, a bit of frothed plant milk. Someone in my community once said it was “the elite way to drink matcha” and I agree. 
If you try it, tag me. Let’s drool together.

What would we find on your bedside table?

Like, allll the beverages. A beverage graveyard, if you will. Tea, water, wine glass from the night before (mostly weekends, maybe…), whatever mid-day potion I whipped up.
Besides that, I’m kinda obsessed with earthy, organic scents of any kind (woodsy and floral being faves). So incense and/or an essential oil diffuser are key.
And of course, one of the 3-4 books I’m reading at one time. Right now, it’s Existential Kink (again), The Body Keeps the Score, Shakti Leadership, and Meta Human.

Do you prepare for your mornings the night before? If so, how?

This has seriously been crucial for me to not feel like a raging, anxious lunatic the next day, so, yes. Besides just making sure I have a clean environment around me (or clean-ish, at least), I take a quick peek at my Clickup to see what my commitments are for the next day.
Then, I write out these things in my journal:
  • Celebrations for that day! Any accomplishments, synchronicities, wins, results, or just fun things that prove how epic life can be.
  • Room for improvement. Whatever didn’t go so right, where I dropped the ball, etc. Be gentle with yourself here and have compassion, but also recognize that failing is awesome (and just feedback) and you should do it more often. After a while, you start to get bored of your own bs patterns and can shift them more easily.
  • Action steps. Everything that could be improved, shall. Each item from the prompt above gets a quick little action of how to better go about this tomorrow. I just keep this list handy and open to peek at the next day and infuse it all into my subconscious mind. 
  • To-do for the following day. I write out alll the tasks I’d LIKE to complete. Next to each, I write how long I [realistically] expect each to take. Typically, at this point, I’ll have about 15 hours worth of tasks that I would have totally tried to do if it wasn’t for this nifty little exercise. Then we snip and delete anything that isn’t truly a priority or getting me more of what I want.
  • Today. This is my agenda for the following day. I keep it pretty loose and flexible but I like to get an idea of when I might be doing each of these tasks making sure to leave room for changes and inspiration, as well as nourishment and soul-care.
That all takes me about 30 minutes. Not bad for having total clarity and direction the next day. I can’t say I do this daily, but definitely during times when I’m needing a bit more structure.

What are your skincare/body care rituals?

*Squeals at this question* I’m the person who scoffs at people who buy designer handbags (no judgment if that’s you ;)) but will drop $400 on luxury skincare products without hesitation. Whatever, it’s self-care, right? My only conditions are that the products truly work, and that they’re good for my overall health and hormones.
My current routine looks something like this…

What does your morning routine flow look like?

I love to leave room for whatever I’m craving that day, and it really does differ. But, I also love a good schedule, so a typical “all-out” day might look something like this:
7:00 am – Wake up, brush teeth, tongue scrape, wash face, drink hot water with lemon, and start brewing my tea/herbs.
7:20 am – Breathwork 15 minutes, drink tea/herbs, meditation 20ish minutes.
8:00 am – Journal 30 mins, read 30 mins, and somewhere in there make bulletproof matcha.
9:15 am – Workout! I love yoga, strength training, and The Class by Taryn Toomey.
10:30 am – Shower and get ready for the day, which usually means attempting to tame my bangs and doing said skincare routine above.

When do you kick off your workday? And do you have any starting-work rituals?

Around 11 am, and pretty much never earlier than that. Sometimes if I don’t feel like starting til after lunch, I’ll honor that. I do all my favorite things in the morning to show my unconscious mind that my joy and nourishment matter more than whatever is going on in the business.
No rituals! Except maybe some smoke clearing (ethically sourced palo santo, especially) or incense. I batch my days so every day of the week looks totallyyy different!

How does your morning routine change on the weekends?

As much as waking up early makes me a better, happier, more productive person, I live my life in ebbs and flows, and the weekends are definitely an ebb. I sleep in until 9 or 10, lounge in bed (with lots of cuddles) for at least a couple of hours, read a book, and eventually order delivery food. Now that’s my kind of productive.

What does your mindset look like at the beginning of the day? Do you have any tips or tools for getting in a good mindset?

Typically, anxious but excited. I’m an overthinker so I’ll have a million things swirling in my mind, which is why my morning routine is sooooo sacred to me because it allows me to get clear on my priorities (which, if I’m being honest, are rarely that email I have to respond to or that IG post I want to post). 
The thing is, you can’t just “get into” a good mindset. You have to LIVE from a good mindset (whatever “good” means to you). And the key to doing so doesn’t lie in affirmations or journal prompts or thought catching. It’s who you are BEING on an energetic, spiritual, emotional, physical, and finally, mental level.
Your identity creates your beliefs and thoughts, so stop trying to tweak those and, instead, have the courage to step into the next-level version of you, now.

What’s non-negotiable vs. what does an extra-luxurious morning look like?

Luxurious but real morning looks like the schedule above. EXTRA-luxurious morning means I throw in a deliciously juicy cacao ceremony, a self-pleasure practice, or some of my own NeuroAlchemy work.
When all hell breaks loose, my non-negotiables that will never budge are:
  • General hygiene stuff? Bathroom, teeth, tongue scrape, skincare sort of thing.
  • Hot water with lemon, tea, and matcha. 
  • At least 10 minutes of meditation.
  • Some sort of movement, even if that means 20 minutes instead of my usual 60-75.

What would you like to improve with your mornings?

Feeling into the PLEASURE and JOY of every day. Honoring how my body is feeling even if that means releasing some of the nonnegotiables I just mentioned. Getting ultra-intentional about the impact and shift I’m making in the world that day.

What’s your #1 recommendation to others who struggle with mornings?

Do something that makes you feel alive.
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How To Do Your Morning Routine Like A Personal Trainer Sun, 20 Sep 2020 14:00:00 +0000 Naomi Rotstein is a personal trainer and the founder of 1FitFuture and the 1FitFoodie podcast, where she helps women heal with their relationship with food, feel confident, and ditch the dieting. 

She’s a former fitness competitor, who has experienced her own obsessive food and body habits, leading to some major health scares. Naomi knows all too well the vicious cycle of bingeing and restricting, over-exercising, and not exercising at all. She now has helped hundreds of women with their own struggles.

What time do you wake up in the morning and how do you wake up?

I wake up anytime between 6:30-7:30 am most weekday mornings, depending on what I have my first personal training client! I have an alarm but it is the gentle alarm on the iPhone that slowly gets louder so it doesn’t disrupt me first thing in the morning!

What’s on your bedside table? 

I have a glass of water, chapstick, my book I am currently reading and my lamp.

Do you prepare for your mornings the night before? If so, how? 

Not so much! I wake up and I am good about getting right out of bed after a few minutes and cherish my time in the morning, so I will wake up, put on some clothes (athleisure apparel because I am a personal trainer and will be doing Zoom training sessions) have a big glass of water and then start a pot of coffee.

What are your skincare/body care rituals? 

I like to splash my face with cold water in the morning and spend a few minutes using the rose quartz roller on my cheeks as well as a vitamin C spray to wake me up! After that, I put on an SPF daily moisturizer first thing in the morning. As far as body care, I always set aside time for movement at some point in the day whether that be a strength training workout, a yoga class, or a long walk.

What does your morning routine flow look like?

Wake up, get dressed, head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, splash my face with cold water, and then the Vitamin C spray to wake me up. I then enjoy a big glass of water with lemon and then check to see if any of my clients have canceled or moved their sessions for the day. I try not to overload with social media, but I do need to respond via email or text to clients who need me! Then I have a cup of coffee with a splash of cream about a half-hour later. I start work shortly after that! 

When do you kick off your workday? And do you have any starting-work rituals? 

I kick off the workday anytime between 7-8 am depending on my first client of the day! The only ritual I have is water and coffee by my side in the morning!

How does your morning routine change on the weekends?

It certainly does! I sleep in a little longer until around 8 am, and I move a little slower. I enjoy the coffee I make on the couch with my dog, and have some alone time since my husband is not a morning person and sleeps later. Everything moves a little slower on the weekends!

What does your mindset look like at the beginning of the day? Do you have any tips or tools for getting in a good mindset? 

Tips for getting in a good mindset is setting an intention for the day. Each day it can be different. Today it may be: Be my most present self with my clients. Or on days I am doing a lot of computer work, it can be “make sure to take breaks every hour”  The intention is almost a promise to myself to help me stay focused and visualize a productive day!

What’s non-negotiable vs. what does an extra-luxurious morning look like? 

Non-negotiable is coffee! And extra luxurious morning would be coffee in bed while reading my book! 

What would you like to improve with your mornings?

I would love to be able to not look at my phone for the first hour of the day, and it is something I am always working on! 

What’s your #1 recommendation to others who struggle with mornings?

Visualize! If you are trying to get up and be productive in the morning, I always use visualization techniques! Imagine and think about all of the people UP and MOVING and getting so much stuff done before the ‘real’ day starts!! You can add so much productivity! Also…the brain is super sharp first thing in the morning
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What I Did To Get Back On Track With My Healthy Habits Mon, 07 Sep 2020 14:00:04 +0000 As a result of the pandemic this year, I stopped a lot of my good habits while adjusting to all the changes. I replaced the gym and seeing friends and family with more screen time and wine nights in. While it was fun to indulge myself temporarily, I started to notice feeling more sluggish and unmotivated overall.

I wanted to get back on track and was lucky enough to come across the podcast “Tiny Leaps, Big Changes” and listened to episode 557 which was exactly about this. The tips from it alongside support from therapy helped me successfully implement healthy habits again.

Already, I’ve noticed a positive change in my mental and physical health. These are the steps I took to get there.

1.  Identify why some healthy habits had stopped

In this case, it was easy to see that my good habits stopped alongside the pandemic. However, it’s easy to lose our healthy habits anytime our routines change. Going on vacation for two weeks then returning to work can do it. Indulging in the holidays with parties and treats for an entire month can throw us off big time, making it hard to go back to eating healthy. Whenever you notice yourself off track, it’s best to figure out how you got there in order to get back on track and make a plan.

2. Analyze your daily routine and if you don’t have one, start one

Look at your daily and weekly routine. If you work Monday to Friday, it’s easier to build consistent habits around a solid schedule. For people who work different hours or are stay-at-home parents, you’ll have to develop a plan around these inconsistencies.
If you’re a person who doesn’t have a routine, start thinking about creating one for yourself. Not having a consistent routine creates problems in being able to keep up a good habit. I tend to be disorganized and a shift worker so I have to work hard to develop a regular routine.
I purchased an Amazon Alexa and programmed it to turn my bedroom light on, tell me the weather, and remind me to make my bed every morning. This programmed reminder has helped me immensely in creating a morning routine.

3. Keep your habits simple to start with

Start with simplistic goals for new habits. Often, when we decide we want to reach a goal, we become overzealous with our ambitions and plans. We create complicated goals that are hard to meet and leave us feeling dejected when we don’t.
Instead of, “I want to work out and finally have ripped arms or abs”, think more along the lines of “I want to work out consistently at least 3 times a week” or “I want to do 10,000 steps a day.” Once you get the momentum of movement again, it’ll be much easier to build on these skills. To eat healthier, start with adding more vegetables to your meals rather than restricting yourself to the extreme.

4. Once you’ve accomplished the small goals, start expanding on them

If you’re wanting to continue being healthier after incorporating more vegetables, start trying other healthy substitutes. If that works out, look into healthy meal planning based around a certain program you’re interested in.
Personally, if I restrict myself all at once, I often fail and that’s applicable to many things. If I haven’t worked out for a month, it’s much easier to promise myself to do 10 minutes on a treadmill rather than an hour. An hour on a treadmill feels overwhelming, 10 minutes does not.
Each time I promised myself only 10 minutes on a treadmill, I always found myself doing more than that bare minimum. I just needed that mental reassurance that I only needed to do 10 minutes to get myself on it.

5. Be aware of both positive and negative triggers

Triggers or “calls to action” are key in getting us to do habits. There can be good triggers or bad triggers. For me, I have to have visual reminders as I’m a big believer in out of sight, out of mind.
To drink water, I carry a jug of water with me all day. For taking my vitamins, I must have the jars out on my kitchen counter where I make my coffee, or I simply won’t remember to take them if I can’t see them.
There are negative triggers too. When I sit down to watch TV at night, I always want to pour a glass of wine. I had to be mindful of that desire and replace it with something else to change it. Instead, I now do stretches for 10-15 minutes and a cup of tea when I first turn the TV on.

6. Don’t beat yourself up for not being where you were a year ago.

It’s so easy to fall into this trap. Last year, I did a 30-day challenge where I hiked up 600 steps every day doing three to five laps. When I decided to get back on track, I wanted to accomplish this goal again but when I went to do it, I regretted it immediately knowing I wasn’t as fit as I was last year. The disappointment in this realization made me just want to go home and comfort eat.
However, after listening to the Tiny Leaps, Big Changes podcast, I realized it’s very normal for us to change in a year, and rather than judging myself for it, I just needed to adjust to where I’m at today. My new goal instead was to do 10,000 steps a day, that I would track with my apple watch. This encouraged me to get in a daily walk and take the stairs at my apartment rather than the elevator. Within two weeks, my stamina was back up and I was feeling motivated to expand on this goal.

7. Finally, if none of the above helps you successfully start new habits, try to identify why

Some habits did not stick for me at first. When I wanted to ensure I was completing 10,000 steps a day, I found my results inconsistent. I had to analyze the reason behind that. Was I unable to reach my goals when I had days off or was it during my work week? Maybe my hormones and overall moods affected my success on some days? None of those reasons ended up being the answer.
I realized I wasn’t successful on the days I’d save my walk for the end of the day. For me, ensuring I got a walk in at the start of my day, before work, or during my breaks at work was essential to my success. Some habits if saved until the evening won’t happen as our motivation naturally decreases as the day goes on and we become more tired.
Remember that all habits are encompassed by a trigger (something that makes us want to do the habit), a routine (our day-to-day behavior that implements the habit), and a reward that comes from doing the habit or behavior. Once you identify what those are, it will be a lot easier for you to understand what to do to be successful at implementing good habits.
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How This Passionate Wellness Founder Begins Her Day Sun, 30 Aug 2020 14:00:12 +0000
Kira Jones is the voice behind Cacti Wellness and the founder of The Cacti Collective, an interactive wellness community that provides high-performing, millennial women with the tools they need to take care of business while taking care of themselves. Kira’s passion for wellness began in 2015 when she was looking for ways to control the stress and anxiety that went along with her busy schedule.
While working at Equinox in Santa Monica, she found that although people are at their highest when they’re taking care of themselves, our current society creates little connection between workplace culture and wellness practices. Upon leaving Equinox in 2019, Kira combined her business background and passion for wellness & productivity to create Cacti Wellness, which then led to the launch The Cacti Collective, in 2020.

What time do you wake up in the morning and how do you wake up?

My goal each morning is to wake up at 5:45 AM, but if I had a late night, 7 AM is usually the very latest I’ll sleep in. I set an alarm the night before on my phone and leave it in my bathroom so that I have to physically get up and get the phone to start my day.

What’s on your bedside table?

Currently, I have a lavender pillow mist, Love Wellness’ Bye Bye Bloat Supplements, my Lunya Silk Sleepmask, Pacifica Sleep Gummies, and the book “Traction” by Gino Wickman.

Do you prepare for your mornings the night before? If so, how?

This all depends on how organized I am feeling, haha. I definitely try to write out the main to-dos I have at the end of each day so that I don’t have to waste time trying to remember what’s most important the following morning. I also set my phone to airplane mode so that I’m not waking up for a ton of texts and emails before I’m ready for them. And lastly, I have a big glass of water next to my bed or in my bathroom so I can start hydrating right away!

What are your skincare/body care rituals?

I love to experiment with different clean skincare, so it changes every now and then, but right now I use Summer Fridays’ Gel Cleanser, Curology (a formula created for me), and BareMinerals Skinlongevity Night Treatment!

What does your morning routine flow look like?

Okay, here are allll of the details – keep in mind, this is a perfect morning and they don’t always end up this way. I wake up to my alarm in the bathroom and try my best not to snooze, but sometimes my puppy and boyfriend look so cute that I can’t help it. Either way, I’m almost always up by 6:15 AM and drinking water and starting the Nespresso (I drink the Bianco Leggero pods on ice with oat milk). Then I sit down and write in my Five Minute Journal and meditate for ~5 minutes (when I’m being good). After that, I check my phone and then like to either go for a walk in our neighborhood, a short hike in the Santa Monica Mountains, or an at-home Cacti Wellness Collective workout.

When do you kick off your workday? And do you have any starting-work rituals?

I kick off the workday between 8-10 AM, it really depends what the morning walk/hike looked like and if I have any early-morning deadlines. I have a list of five things that I do each day when I start working that mostly involves checking in on my google cal and getting any necessary social media content pushed out on @cactiwellness and @cactiwellnesscollective.

What would you like to improve with your mornings?

I desperately want to be more consistent with meditation. I’d say I hit it 3-4 times a week, but I’d like to be meditating every damn day.

What’s your #1 recommendation to others who struggle with mornings?

Each night, think of something you’re excited about for the next day. Even if it’s small like your coffee or your outfit. It makes all the difference to wake up with a PURPOSE and PASSION. Also, remember there are no do-overs. Let’s live this life to the fullest; we are so LUCKY that we get to wake up in the first place.
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How To Create A Tracking System For Your Food, Fitness and Mindset Goals Wed, 24 Jul 2019 14:45:01 +0000 You’ve got goals, girl! 

Some goals you’ve had for a long frickin’ time and just can’t seem to make them a reality. We’ve all been there. 

The good news is, it means we’re human. It means we’re normal. And, the fact that you are here, reading this, continuing to look for solutions and answers and tools… actually makes you one of the goal-getters most likely to find your breakthrough and get to where you need to go!

You’ve totally got this. 

There are a number of reasons why each of us have certain habits or behaviors that seem to evade us. Think of those health habits, that no matter what you try, you just can’t seem to get a handle on or keep up with them over time. Maybe it’s been on again, off again, and sometimes you even give up. Again, that’s normal. It’s ok. Take a breather. 

The three main obstacles to accomplishing our goals

In my experience with clients and group coaching, there are three main obstacles that keep us from achieving goals, specifically when it comes to changing our food, fitness and mindset behaviors.

1. Accountability

If you don’t have a health accountability buddy yet, make that your first goal to complete within 10 min after reading this! We are 90% more likely to achieve a goal when we have external accountability, than if we just casually think about the goal, and try to do it on our own. 

2. Inner focus

This is actually one of the pillars of my H.A.P.I.E. Goal Method™ (I’ll explain more below). The “I” stands for Internally Focussed Goals. Meaning, your ideal habit or outcome must be for you and not for external validation like society, your friends, the bully who you want to prove something to, your partner or significant other.

The best way to confirm with yourself if you are creating goals with an internal focus, is to ask yourself the following questions:

Is my goal only about appearance?

For example: 
Lose 10 lbs
Fit into a size 4
Get a 6-pack
Weigh X pounds

If this sounds like you, don’t freak out… it’s ok if you do happen to have a physical goal like the ones mentioned. 

When that is our only goal, though, nearly 10 times out of 10, it’s going to lead to body hate, negative self-talk, and a continual feeling of dissatisfaction in your appearance… even if you hit your goal! So, just be sure to also include your truth, the other results you want from being your healthiest self, etc. Your answers to the next questions will also help.

What are the feelings I want to be overflowing with? Confidence? Freedom? Strength? Empowerment? Peace? Ease? Energy? Write down your top three feelings you want to experience when it comes to your food and body life. 

How will reaching this goal create a better version of me? How will I be able to better serve others if I reach this goal? 

3. An effective system

Now that we have accountability, and we’ve grounded ourselves in an empowering, inner-focused reason for why we are setting the goal we’re setting… it’s time to lock down the system! If we have accountability, we are connected to our “why” but we don’t have an action plan, it will still result in failure.

I’m all about balance and baby steps and not becoming obsessed with perfection because… hey, #beenthere. This is one big reason why I created H.A.P.I.E. Goals.™ These are my five guidelines which allow for progress vs. perfection, and sustainable change vs. a quick fix that ends in a crash.

By the way, I created a physical Goal Guide and Habit Tracker with this information (and a few bonuses!) that you can grab here! This link gives you 50% too as my gift to all the Life Goals readers.

Let’s take a brief look at the five steps, then I’ll walk you through exactly what to do for The H.A.P.I.E. Goal Method tracking system. 


The first exercise, which you can do now, is to think about that ideal health routine, the feelings and qualities you want to exude, how you want your body to feel, the mindset and body image you want to experience… Write it all down. Who is the version of you a year from now? 

Take 15-20 minutes to write down your “new you” health routine in the form of your ideal week! Include all the habits, behaviors, practices, workouts, meal prepping, etc. You can also include other things you feel contribute to your overall health and mindset, like massages, meditation, coffee with a friend, therapy, enjoying a dessert without feeling guilty, etc. 

What does the most confident, healthiest, empowered, at ease, balanced, and self-loving version of you do on a weekly basis when it comes to food, fitness and mindset routines?

Next, use the five guidelines below to help you create a starting off point that begins to build the bridge from where you are now to that ideal you just wrote down.

So often we try to go from 0-100 and hit burnout real fast! This method is about taking inspired, consistent action to create a lifestyle that will last. 

Enter… the H.A.P.I.E. Goal Method™


Create a weekly goal, that you will dedicate yourself to for at least one month. The goal should be a first step toward the ultimate goal. This is your opportunity to go from a vague overarching result like “get a six pack” or “lose 10 lbs” to a habit-based action like “jog twice a week and work on abs for 30 minutes a week.”

Acknowledgment & celebration

It’s scientifically proven that positive reinforcement, celebrating our progress and acknowledging our wins releases endorphins like adrenaline and dopamine,  increasing our motivation to keep going! This can be as small as giving ourselves a sticker for the things we accomplished that week, to bigger rewards like a trip or spa day. 

Petitely progressive

For example, if you’re ideal version of you, a year from now, works out five times a week and meal preps lunch and dinner for five days a week… and right now you are doing both of those only one time a week, don’t jump straight to five! Start with two, so just one more time a week than you do now. The progression of your goals should feel just outside of your comfort zone, meaning it’s more than what’s currently happening, but also it should feel so doable that you are almost tempted to do more. 

Internally focused

This was explained above. In a nutshell, it’s about having a conversation with yourself about how your goals expand past physical appearance, past the need for external validation, and include your bigger reason for wanting to be the healthiest version of yourself.


Even though we are taking a baby-step, compassionate and balanced approach, measurement matters! Most of us fall into one of two categories if we are not tracking and measuring new habits we want to implement. We either overestimate or underestimate ourselves… and the funny part is, whichever one we are, we are probably wrong! The person who tends to give herself more credit, like “oh, yeah… I easily worked out like 4 times this week!” is likely to only have done like 2 workouts in reality. 

Just as those of us who go into defeat and say “ugh, I haven’t worked out at all this week” ignore the three workouts we got in! The point? Write. It. Down. Track it! This is not meant to be a forever tracking thing. It’s meant to help you consciously take on the habit, so it becomes an unconscious routine like clockwork. 

Here is the experimental process: Use the tracking system below, or in the Goal Guide, to set goals to experiment with for at least one month. At the end of the month, you will do one of 3 things… Repeat, renegotiate or release!


if you didn’t accomplish your weekly goal for at least 3 out of the 4 weeks, repeat the exact same goal! This is not a punishment, it’s a re-commitment to something you know you can do!


This one can go up or down. If you didn’t accomplish your weekly goal for at least 3 out of the 4 weeks, AND you honestly feel like you tried to take on too much, renegotiate the habit to a lower number each week for the next month. If you smashed your goal, and you’re ready for more, renegotiate UP and add on one level to the goal. Maybe it’s one additional night of cooking at home. Maybe it’s one more workout, or adding on 15min to each existing workout. Elevate it to the next level for the coming month. 


You don’t need this goal anymore. This might be because you actually found out it was happening already, and you don’t need to put such intentional focus on it. This also might be that it’s just not a relevant goal for you right now, it’s not what you need to be or can be putting energy into. You can release it for now. 

Another benefit of the “experimentation” mentality, is that we don’t lock ourselves into the pressure of a “forever from this point forward” change, which can mess with us mentally and actually cause us to self-sabotage, crave the things we said we “wouldn’t eat”, and leave us feeling like failures if we can’t stick to it. Within a month’s time, it gives us the opportunity to say “hey, I’m going to check in on this and see how it’s working for me in 4 weeks”.  

Now it’s time to set up our monthly goals in the form of declaring weekly habits for our food, fitness, and mindset!

The tracking system

Step 1

If you don’t have the Goal Guide and Habit Tracker, use a physical calendar or draw one out on one page where you have a box for each day. 

Step 2

Based on your ideal week, and reflecting on where you are now in regards to that, think of the smallest possible step toward your ideal, and begin with a weekly habit-based goal for one month. 

Complete step two for your food goal, your fitness goal and your mindset goal.

If you can’t think of a mindset goal, I love these great go-to practices for positive self-image and happiness:


Use those qualities and feelings you wrote down. Begin the sentence always with “I am…” because even when our inner critic is saying “you don’t feel this way yet, you don’t believe this”… just by committing to saying the affirmations out loud, you’re working on shifting the connections in your brain to more positive thoughts! 

Gratitude practice

I have the Gratitude app. You can set an alert on your phone for the same time every day, go in the app, and list however many things you can think of. You can also add pictures! 

Daily journaling reflection

I do this 3-step prompt that allows you to finish each day with positivity. Write down one thing to let-go, one proud moment, and one gratitude. Let go of one thing that did or didn’t go as planned, acknowledge yourself for something that did, and remind yourself of something you’re grateful for in that moment. (This is also included in the goal guide.

Step 3

Keep your tracking sheet somewhere you will see it and be sure to check in with it each day, maybe first thing in the morning (to mark off what you did the day before) or last thing at night to check off what habits you accomplished that day. 

I recommend getting some fun colored pens or markers, and some stickers to make it extra fun and motivating! 

Alright, it’s time to get goaling! I hope this was helpful, and I’d love to support you any time with your food, fitness and mindset lifestyle! See my bio for how to connect.

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5 Best Fitness Routines For Getting Fit During The Fall Season Mon, 27 Aug 2018 18:00:02 +0000 Staying fit isn’t always easy, and every season presents its own challenges. Winter is known for being particularly difficult, given the fact that Christmas cookies and cold air seem to define the season. The spring is often full of rain, which provides you with the perfect excuse to stay indoors. And during the summer, you may get so caught up in your vacations and outdoor excursions that you forget to prioritize fitness and make exercise a part of your everyday routine.

Which leaves fall — a season known for comfortable temperatures and a time of change. And for many, there’s never a better time to get their heart pumping with workouts that will enhance their sense of physical and mental wellbeing.

As fall approaches, it’s time to start thinking about your new upcoming fitness routine. Not sure how to keep your body in motion once summer draws to a close? Here’s a look at 5 easy ways you can incorporate fitness into your everyday life during the fall season.

Lace up your hiking boots

The leaves start to change colors, the bugs aren’t as bothersome and the sun doesn’t beat down quite as strong anymore — which makes fall the ideal time for enjoying the great outdoors.

Fresh air and fitness often go hand in hand, offering people a way to get in their daily cardio while also enjoying the beauty of nature, too. Commonly referred to as green exercise, embarking on a hike outdoors can help boost your mood while increasing your likelihood of sticking with your workout routine as well.

Hiking also works multiple muscles at once, making it the perfect cardio workout for outdoor adventurers who like to stay fit. Consider asking a friend to tag along on the journey — whether it be your partner or your dog! Hiking is the perfect excuse to bond with others while maintaining healthy cardiovascular health, too.

Prepare for a race

The fall is notorious for marathons, half marathons and other races, many of them aimed at raising money for particular causes. This means fall is also the perfect time to put your running skills to work. If you’re passionate about a particular cause, find a charity run that’ll give you extra motivation to get out and enjoy the autumn weather while soaking in the last of the year’s warm sunny rays.

Prep yourself for the big run by jogging around your neighborhood or in a local park throughout the day. If you find yourself bogged down by work and unable to squeeze a workout session in later in the day, training for a particular race on a specific date may just give you the incentive you need to get up and go.

Replace four wheels with two

Consider ditching your car for a set of two wheels instead. Bike riding is the perfect way to take in your natural surroundings while conveniently traveling to your next destination, too. Don’t think bike riding is a great way to stay fit? Regular cycling offers a myriad of health benefits that range from muscle strengthening to improved mental health.

If you’re biking in fall, be sure to wear comfortable attire that suits the weather, especially as the season starts to transition into winter. Many people boast that taking bike rides during fall helps ward off those impending and pesky winter blues, too.

Hit the gym on unfavorable days

While fall is often known for its brisk air and comfortable weather, that doesn’t mean you’ll always find the outdoors suitable for a quick run or bike ride. But a little rain or cool air isn’t quite the perfect excuse to binge watch Halloween shows on Netflix while sipping a pumpkin spice latte either. Well, maybe sometimes. But mostly, when the weather doesn’t agree, you can choose to simply take your workout indoors instead.

Hit up your local gym and challenge yourself to find a new machine or fitness class that you like there. If you’re tired of the same gym-based workouts, consider taking a dip in an indoor pool, or even looking for a gym that offers underwater treadmill running classes or water aerobics. These types of new-age workouts offer many physical benefits and add some spice to your workout routine.

Stretch out your stress

The end of summer can be an incredibly stressful time of year. Whether you’re a college student and are mentally preparing yourself for your upcoming workload or you’re simply sad to say goodbye to sunny and relaxing days, fall is often associated with the end of vacations and fun.

Fortunately, you can relieve a bit of stress while keeping your mind and body healthy. Not sure how? Release your inner Zen — yoga style. Take a yoga mat to your local park as the sun begins to rise — or set — and enjoy the crisp autumn breeze. Remember to go beyond the typical downward dog by incorporating poses perfectly suited for fall into your everyday routine.

Remember you shouldn’t stop exercising just because the days aren’t quite as sunny and the leaves begin to drop. As the seasons start to change, you’ll find the perfect reason to change along with it by revitalizing your energy and vowing to engage in a new fitness journey!

getting fit during fall. pumpkin spice season has it's own set of challenges when it comes to working out consistently. here are good routines that'll make your healthy habits easy

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8 Amazing Wellness Habits For Living Your Best Life Fri, 06 Apr 2018 23:29:35 +0000 This post is sponsored by Hum Nutrition. All opinions are my own. 

I love wellness trends, but I’m also skeptical about what is actually beneficial for my well-being. I’m learning more about how to take care of my health holistically, and have a handful of practices that make me feel good.

All that said, I’m not a doctor or nutritionist, and you should definitely consult one if you want personalized tips from experts for your specific needs. These are the wellness habits I’ve adopted and when I follow them, I feel like a healthier version of me. I’m a work-in-progress here, and making more improvements every day. But I have made lots of beneficial strides along the way and I’m the healthiest I’ve been in years.

Let’s dive into wellness habits that will refresh your body, mind and soul.

Wellness drinks

One of my favorite wellness-y things to do is make wellness drinks. Based on Ayurvedic practices, you should only drink warm or hot beverages, especially when you wake up. So one of my go-to wellness drinks is hot water with apple cider vinegar (ACV) and lemon. ACV has an insane amount of benefits like regulating blood sugar, improving skin health, and boosting your gut health to name a few.

Another favorite is spirulina with orange juice. I love this combo, but I’ve heard that spirulina, an amazing green superfood, is nasty with most other combos.

I’m all about getting adaptogens in my diet; you can read more about those here. Two of my favorites that are stocked in my pantry at all times are Maca (for stabilizing hormones) and Astralagus (immunity booster.) Some other crowd favorites that are next on my list to buy are Ashwagandha (balances blood sugar levels and improves stress) and Moringa (for inflammation.) There are so many benefits to adaptogens, and implementing them in your lifestyle can help you improve your gut health.

Dry brush

I love dry brushing daily. The benefits of dry brushing before your daily shower include increasing blood circulation and exfoliating your skin. Some people say it helps decrease the appearance of cellulite as well, but there’s no significant research proving that. You go in small upward motions from your feet to your neck, and you can do it on your face as well. Personally, I just stick with dry brushing my body as I lightly exfoliate my face with my cleanser.

Take supplements

It’s nearly impossible to get all the nutrients we need in our every day meals. Taking supplements help to get the nutrients our body craves in order to thrive.

Hum Nutrition is where it’s at for pure, sustainably sourced supplements. Their vitamins and supplements are non-GMO, gluten free, and don’t have artificial colors or preservatives.

I take Daily Cleanse, Uber Energy, and Runway Ready.

I’ve seen the most results with Uber Energy so far. I don’t hit that 3pm energy crash like I used to. We live such busy/high stress lives, so I feel like an energy boost is so needed.

I love the Runway Ready packs for great skin, hair and nails, so you can have your supplements on-the-go. It makes it so much easier to remember to take them, because I can throw them in my purse. I’ll take my supplements with my food in the mornings and I already feel like I’m doing something great for me.

They have so many options to choose from for anything you’re struggling with like PMS, stress, gut cleansing, anti-aging, skincare, the list goes on. You don’t need to get overwhelmed with where to start, because they have a quiz that gives you personalize recommendations based on your diet and lifestyle, so you don’t end up with supplements that you don’t actually need. You can take the quiz and figure out which supplements to start with here.

Use our discount code LIFEGOALS at checkout for 15% off your first purchase.

Tongue scrape

As mentioned earlier, I’m really into Ayurvedic practices lately and one of the latest additions to my morning routine is tongue scraping. Tongue scraping eliminates most of the toxins on your tongue. You can get them for really cheap online and I’d recommend getting one in stainless steel.

Keep to the Fab Four from Kelly Leveque

Kelly Leveque is a wellness guru who recommends the fab four foods that will keep you full and satisfied: protein, fat, fiber and greens. The fab four is so helpful to keep in mind while preparing meals. The worst thing we can do is eat healthy but not satiate our hunger, because then we either feel like we’re depriving ourselves or we overeat because we’re starving.

She recommends starting with smoothies, as they’re the easiest ways to get started with this formula. But I find that it’s as important in your lunch and dinner preps.

Stretch daily

Stretch for five minutes or twenty-five minutes, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s a part of your ritual. This is especially vital if you’re sitting at a desk all day long. Our body needs some bending and twisting. There are so many yoga videos online that are as short as five minutes if you need a little motivation to start doing it. Or use a little challenge to keep you motivated. Try keeping a yoga mat handy or maybe do stretches while you cook dinner or before you get in the shower.

Develop a skincare regimen

It doesn’t need to be a complicated skincare system. For some, this can look like washing your face and getting your makeup off every night. For others who enjoy the process and view it as self-care, maybe it’ll be a 10-step formula. Regardless, make this a routine that always happens. It’s important to take care of your skin. You can use skincare supplements, collagen, and serums too if you’re looking for a boost to your skincare game.

Try to eat a colorful variety of nutritious foods

When meal-prepping, getting all your nutrients in your diet is challenging. For me, I want simple recipes so I’ll make simple dishes. But it occurred to me that I was limiting my nutritional variety. So, this week, I made an effort to make more meal preps that included a colorful variety of nutritious fruits, veggies, proteins, etc. Like I mentioned earlier, I’ll think of the fab four and I’ll make sure that I’m getting in a handful of goods.

Use DIY products for cleaning

I knew I should be creating my own cleaning products instead of buying the usual cleaning supplies for a while now, but it was only a few days ago that I realized just how toxic and unwell cleaning supplies made me feel. They bring out asthma symptoms for me, and apparently can be as bad as smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day. I threw out the old cleaning supplies and will be creating my own.

You can make a lot of cleaning supplies with simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon and essential oils. Here’s a great article from Wellness Mama on natural cleaning tips.

For me, wellness can sometimes be a wakeup call. It takes self-awareness to realize how the little things in your environment are affecting you. Your diet, your environment, your skincare and makeup routine, all have an impact on your well-being – more than you may even realize. Don’t be afraid to slowly shift, one step at a time, into a more conscious, holistic you.

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