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29 Ideas For Organizing Your Personal Life With ClickUp

Looking for ideas on how to get more organized? There are so many lists and fun ways to feel more put together using the ClickUp app.

While it’s an amazing platform for organizing your business, it’s also such a good way to organize the little areas of your personal life.

It’s my personal favorite way to productively procrastinate because adding labels and making things look pretty and organized is such a vibe.

ClickUp is a free platform that allows you to organize your projects or ideas all in one place.

Let’s dig into 29 ways to use Clickup for personal productivity

Want to snag over a dozen ClickUp templates? Head over to ClickUp for Creatives, where you’ll receive dozens of ClickUp tutorials and templates for organizing both your life & business – including a lot of what’s mentioned in this article like budgeting, weekly planning, reading logs, social media content calendars, a habit tracker & tons of business templates. Become a ClickUp pro in just a couple of hours!

1. Weekly planning

In the board view, organize your week with a column for each day. Or, recently I’ve been using the list view and using the columns to add categories based on what I’m working on and whether it’s business-related or personal – and what kind of task it is. I also have the option to time-track each task.

2. Quarterly & monthly goals

We love planning quarterly and working our way from there. Set in those Q3 plans into action and make them happen. Break them down into monthly actions.

3. Meal planning

Whether or not you’re a meal prepper, you can organize your recipes and create statuses for “breakfast meals” and “dinner ideas.” Add tags to indicate whether it’s 20 minutes or less or to indicate if it’s vegan. And then you can use the filter to pull up only quick meals or vegan friendly options.

4. Budgeting

It’s time to get those numbers in check. I love ClickUp’s feature that allows you to add up expenses. You can add categories for the time of expense – and then see how much you’re spending in each category every month.

5. Social calendar

Have a busy Summer ahead? Who says you should just plan your business calendar on ClickUp? Use it to plan your social events too!

This template, along with several others, can be found inside ClickUp for Creatives.

6. Reading log

What’s your 2022 reading goal? One of my favorite things about finishing a book is being able to add my book to my reading log. I use the rating system to give it 5 stars – or less.

7. Wish lists

Instead of going on a shopping spree, what if you intentionally planned what you want to buy in advance? That way you can really think about the purchase and make sure you really want it before you impulse buy (guilty!)

8. Gift ideas

Whether it’s for the holidays, or for birthday ideas, it’s nice to plan ahead and add to this list whenever you think of something. Plus, keeping track of everyone you need to buy for over the holidays helps with the overwhelm of everything that needs to get done.

9. Courses/study material

Are you studying something right now? Whether it’s just for fun or you’re in school, you can use ClickUp to keep track of your studies. See how I’m doing that for an Enneagram course I’m in right now.

I just make cute covers in Canva and inside each task, I include bullet points from what I’m learning and attach any other related information I’ll need, like worksheets or presentation slides.

Then, I can refer back to whatever topic I need to study.

10. Movies

Ever said the words, “I really wanna watch that!” after a friend recommends a movie or TV show? Create a list to keep track of them.

I made a list of RomComs – what I’ve already watched, what I want to see, what I rate each of them, and where to watch them.

I also did this for holiday movies in December as well, so I could log all the cheesy Christmas movies that rarely win more than 3 stars.

11. Bucketlist

Have dreams you want to make happen? Put it on a list, and start checking those goals off! What are you waiting for?

@lifegoalsmag link in bio for clickup for creatives course & templates! ✨ #clickup #2022planning #obsessedwithit ♬ i am obsessed with this – mallorie

12. Moving checklist

Moving? When I made the move from SoCal to Portland, Oregon, I created a moving checklist with everything I needed to get done. And then I made a “to buy” list as well with everything I wanted to purchase for my apartment. I included info on cost and links to what I wanted to purchase.

13. Travel planning

Planning a road trip or heading to an exciting destination? Use ClickUp to plan your itinerary, add all the research you’re doing and invite friends or family (if applicable) to share with them!

14. Coffee orders

Or, really anything that someone you love says they’re into. Start keeping tabs on them when they say they like something. Who doesn’t love someone taking the time to remember their go-to order? You’ll be everyone’s favorite, thoughtful friend.

15. Address book

If you’re like me, you don’t think about having an address book until you need it – and while you’re probably not sending regular snail mail (although why the heck not?), it’s always a good idea to have contact info & mailing addresses all in one place.

16. Vision board

I use the Dashboard on ClickUp to write down my vision and hopes for the year, along with an image I mockup in Canva with inspiring graphics I find on Pinterest.

17. Recommendations

Compile recommendations – categorized by city, type of place, etc. I made one for Portland with categories like breweries, brunch spots, dinner recs, hikes, coffee shops, and more. It’s such a fun board to share with friends and to keep track of all the fun things you’re doing!

18. Journaling

Keep track of how you’re feeling. I use the docs in ClickUp for this, but there are so many different ways you could do this in ClickUp – whether it’s setting a recurring reminder or just having one running document.

19. Habit tracker

Use our habit tracker template to keep track of all your habits, like going for a daily walk, making the bed, working out, and any of the other habits you’re working on.

20. Steps for your hobbies

Starting a new hobby? As you’re learning new things, keep track of it all. What have you been learning? Need to reference back to some notes? Keep a log of it.

21. Articles to read later

If you use the chrome extension, you can bookmark articles to save them to read or reference later.

22. Self-care checklist

Sometimes self-care isn’t top of mind, and you have to give it some extra intention to make it happen. Create a running list of all your go-to self care activities that make you feel like your best self.

23. Masterlist

This could be a list of things that you think of that you need to get done at some point. Remember to sort this out later into the actual projects. Or, create a life admin or GYST day where you get all those small tasks done!

24. Cleaning list

You can categorize by the areas of your home: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room and what needs to be cleaned, and how often.

All my personal ClickUp folders.

25. Plant watering & care

Remembering how to take care of each of your plants can be difficult, when they all have their own regimen. You could take a picture of them, and put in instructions on how to take care of them and their watering cycle inside the task.

26. Job hunting

Apply this same process on Job Hunting with Trello, and use it in the Board view on ClickUp. You can keep track of all the companies you’ve reached out to, when to follow up, etc.

27. Launching your side hustle

Create a launch plan to make that side hustle happen! Before you’re in planning mode, it can feel a little overwhelming to get started on a business, but when you get it all into ClickUp, you’ll feel so much more put together and ready to make things happen!

28. Appointments

Keep track of dentist, doctor’s, and beauty appointments, so you always know what’s coming up! You could create recurring tasks, so you stay up-to-date on everything.

29. Party planning

There’s no doubt that there are a lot of steps that go into throwing a party or event. Use ClickUp to help you when it comes to organizing the guest list, menu, and all the nitty gritty details that go into party planning. Whether it’s a wedding, a bachelorette party, or a party for your kid, ClickUp is the perfect place to map it all out.

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