The Morning Routine Of A Life Coach And Hypnotherapist

Amanda Bybel is a Master Certified NLP Practitioner and Trainer, Master Certified Success & Life Coach, as well as a Master Certified Hypnotherapist. Her mission is to empower women to pursue their true calling by shifting their identity and smashing their fears, so that they can create an authentic and fulfilling life, on their terms. She has helped over 100 women become the best versions of themselves through her accredited programs. She is also the co-host of the Related podcast with her sister Carli Bybel.


What time do you wake up in the morning, and how do you wake up?

On most days, I am up at or around 5:00 am. My reliable cat, Pablo, always wakes me up for his breakfast as soon as the sun starts to rise!

How do you like your coffee? 

Black and steaming hot! I love French roast.

What’s on your bedside table? 

I keep a baby monitor on my bedside table.

Do you prepare for your mornings the night before? If so, how? 

I set an intentional alarm. When I set my alarm, I tell myself how awesome my morning is going to be. I think this is really important because it allows me to really visualize the successful morning I am going to have. I used to be someone who would press snooze but that’s not an option anymore! Mornings and the energy we have in our morning set the tone for the whole day!

What are your skincare/body care rituals? 

I LOVE all things skincare and body care. Every day I moisturize my entire body from head to toe because of how it makes me feel. Radiant and sexy! I also love my skincare routine. Some people may do it because it looks good, but I love the way it makes me feel. Just luxurious. My skincare routine consists of exfoliating, vitamin C serum, and a rose moisturizer.

I LOVE the Le Mer Exfoliator.  Honestly, when I was buying my newest skincare regimen I thought to myself “What does posh spice Amanda use on her skin so she feels super luxe”? And of course, she uses La Mer! It smells so good, even my husband likes it. 
I also love the Collagen Serum, the Vitamin C Serum, and the Rose Gold Moisturizer oil from Rodial. They are INCREDIBLE and I love how refreshed I feel when I do my skincare every morning and night. I also use Palmers Cocoa Butter Moisturizer all over my body every single day, I always moisturize because I love the way my skin feels after.

What does your morning routine flow look like? 

In the morning my alarm goes off at 5:00 am. The first thing I do is stand up, stretch, and then my kitties and I will go downstairs together. I feed them, give them kisses and make myself a cup of coffee. After I have my cup of coffee, I like to fit in a 30-minute Peloton workout where I love to just sweat my a** off! It makes me feel so much gratitude for my body and shows me how strong my body actually is. Then, I like to get in a nice relaxing shower where I do my skincare and body care routine — exfoliating, serums, all the things that make me feel luxurious.

I will then sit at my desk and journal all my monthly goals as if they are happening now. This helps me to manifest them because I really love to embody that energy as if it is really happening right now. If my son is still sleeping, I will go ahead and do some EFT tapping, and then by 7:00 am my son is waking up, so then I move into full-on mom mode.

I will go ahead and indulge in all the baby snuggles I can get. That is my really amazing high-five morning!

When do you kick off your workday? And do you have any starting-work rituals?

Nope! I have a really powerful anchor in my office where every time I sit in my chair, I am ready to get going with my work as soon as I sit down. My office is my happy place!

I make a list of all my “non-negotiable to-dos” for the day and I also set my daily intention. It is usually something I am manifesting in my life or my business. It’s usually something simple like “I accept abundance openly and from places known and unknown”. Another thing I love to do at the start of my workday is review my monthly revenue. I send out gratitude to all my students and this particular action allows me to shift into a high frequency for the day so I can serve the best I can!

I like to connect with my higher self each day to see what she needs from me and how I can show up in a way that feels most aligned. Some days I need a little breath work and gentle meditation, other days I need a hard-core peloton ride. It really just depends on the day and checking in with my higher self. Honoring her really allows me to be present and listen to my body too.

How does your morning routine change on the weekends? 

My morning routine tends to stay exactly the same as it does during the week.

What does your mindset look like at the beginning of the day? Do you have any tips or tools for getting in a good mindset? 

I really love EFT tapping in the morning because it allows me to embody that 2.0 mindset and when I embody that mindset it allows me to really next level manifest. I release any frustrations in the morning and tap into how I want to be feeling instead.

My tips or tools for getting in a good mindset are to learn how to use EFT tapping. There are some great tutorials on YouTube and I also have them in my Facebook group, The Related Family.

What’s non-negotiable vs. what does an extra-luxurious morning look like?

Everything that I mentioned in my flow is pretty much non-negotiable. Maybe an extra 15-20 minutes of my baby sleeping, so I am able to get in a full tapping sequence or an extra cup of coffee. Since being a mom, the earlier I get up in the morning, the longer of a morning routine I get to have.

What would you like to improve with your mornings? 

Something I would like to improve in my mornings would be to really start getting good at getting up exactly at 5:00 am. Sometimes it is easy to just hit snooze, but I really want to just avoid that and jump into my day.

What’s your #1 recommendation to others who struggle with mornings?

Just freaking do it! Mornings are the most important part of your day because it sets the vibe for the rest of the day. Having an awesome morning routine will allow you to manifest and really create that life you are desiring.

Want more morning routines? Check out more morning routines of successful women.

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