42 Self-Care Ideas You Can Do While Traveling

When you’re on vacation mode, sometimes that can mean that you’re ignoring those important self-care activities that you do a better job at when you’re at home.

While I think it’s totally okay to do and eat whatever the heck you want while traveling, sometimes making an effort to do a few things for your self-betterment. Just because you’re on vacation mode, doesn’t mean you can’t add in some healthy things without depriving yourself of the local fun!

I feel so much better when I have a little me-time or some version of a routine in place, and make a couple of healthy choices while enjoying a new adventure. Like everything, it’s a balance!

So if you’re looking to add some self-care to your summer travels, we’ve got you covered on everything from your packing list to your plane ride to when you are enjoying your destination.

Here’s a list of self-care activities you can add to your travel itinerary:

  1. Pack a comfortable pillow or neck support for the plane or long car rides.
  2. Bring your favorite book or download an audiobook to enjoy during your travels.
  3. Bring a journal to write about your experiences.
  4. Take time to stretch and do some light yoga or exercise.
  5. Wear comfortable and breathable clothing. And pack comfortable shoes!
  6. Stay hydrated by bringing a refillable water bottle.
  7. Use SPF to protect your skin from the sun.
  8. Wear a hat or sunglasses to protect your face and eyes.
  9. Take breaks and rest when you need to.
  10. Bring your own snacks to keep you fueled and satisfied.
  11. Practice deep breathing or meditation to help reduce stress and anxiety.
  12. Listen to calming music or your comfort podcasts.
  13. Use noise-canceling headphones to block out unwanted noise.
  14. Take a warm bath or shower to relax after a long day of travel.
  15. Use a sleep mask or earplugs to help you sleep better.
  16. Take a break from technology and enjoy the scenery around you.
  17. Take a nap if you need to catch up on sleep.
  18. Practice good hygiene by washing your hands regularly and carrying hand sanitizer.
  19. Take a morning hot girl walk to get coffee, or plan a hike to explore your destination.
  20. Treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment.
  21. Visit a local farmer’s market or grocery store to buy fresh and healthy food.
  22. Stay connected with loved ones back home through video chat or social media.
  23. Learn about the culture and history of your destination.
  24. Take a cooking class to learn how to prepare local cuisine.
  25. Use a travel pillow to make sleeping in unfamiliar beds more comfortable.
  26. Pack a small first aid kit with essential items like bandaids and pain relievers.
  27. Carry a small bag with you for day trips or excursions.
  28. Take a break from alcohol or limit your intake.
  29. Keep a positive attitude and remain flexible if things don’t go as planned.
  30. Take a break from social media and enjoy the present moment.
  31. Use aromatherapy to help you relax or sleep better.
  32. Bring a reusable tote bag for shopping or carrying items.
  33. Take a break from work and truly be OOO while you’re on vacation.
  34. Get plenty of rest before and after your travels.
  35. Keep a travel journal to document your experiences, or write it out on your Notes app.
  36. Treat yourself to a special souvenir or gift. Bonus points if you collect something from all your destinations.
  37. Take a dip in the pool or ocean to cool off.
  38. Use a travel-friendly skincare routine to keep your skin looking healthy.
  39. Practice gratitude and appreciate the opportunity to travel.
  40. Take a day off from being on the go with sightseeing and relax by the pool or beach.
  41. If you have it, take advantage of hotel amenities like fitness centers and spas.
  42. Enjoy the journey and have fun!

Up next: Sometimes it’s not possible to totally log off while you’re traveling, so here’s a blog with workcation tips if you’re running a biz while traveling!

What will you takeaway from this self-care list for your next vacation?

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